Exercise instructions
Author:This station Release time:2023-10-20 10:10

1、 Basic rules in outdoor activities

1. Please trim your toenails before taking action.

2. Complaining emotions cannot support you to complete the entire journey.

3. If a rolling stone falls, be sure to look back first, do not hit your teammates behind, and shout "Pay attention to the stone!"

4. When passing by a teammate, permission must be sought and one should not forcefully push forward with their elbow.

5. When stopping to tie shoelaces, adjust clothing and backpacks, take photos, or enjoy the scenery, make way to the roadside, and if possible, stand above passing teammates.

6. Do not run or jump during the activity to avoid injury (such as spraining the ankle or pulling muscles)

7. Don't follow too closely, give your teammates in front some space, and it's best to keep a distance of three to five steps apart. Especially when crossing through shrubbery.

8. Don't fall behind too much, so as not to lose contact with your teammates or keep the people ahead waiting for you to catch up.

9. When the queue distance is too wide and you cannot see your team members in front or behind, please be sure to wait in place for your teammates behind you! Because you cannot be sure if everyone is following this route. It is strictly prohibited to act alone from the main force

10. Never let your teammates fall behind. Whether it's the first or last one, it's the same. Wait at the rest area for the last teammate to catch up, encourage him, give him time to rest, and notify the front team.

2、 Preparation and daily precautions for outdoor activities

(1) Physical aspects:

1. Please never stay up late before departure;

2. Please never smoke or drink excessively;

3. It is best to engage in activities such as squats, jogging, and climbing stairs in advance before engaging in intense outdoor activities;

4. If you are feeling unwell, you should cancel your activities and never push yourself.

(2) Psychological aspects:

1. Perhaps some people rarely engage in outdoor activities, but don't worry about yourself, don't be afraid, and face it with a relaxed attitude;

2. Accepting nature's arrangements calmly, even in the face of pouring rain, is a normal thing. We cannot choose nature, we can only choose our own attitude;

3. You need to have sufficient psychological preparation. Every journey, not every moment can be spent happily, and perhaps many times you will feel very difficult. However, we should look forward to the joy after success.

(3) In terms of discipline:

1. Obey the leader's arrangements, and if there are differences, everyone can discuss and resolve them, but the decision-making power lies with the leader.

2. Maintain good teamwork spirit.

3. Being punctual is a good habit, and being late is strictly prohibited; Also, please do not let frequent rest and prolonged photography affect the speed of the team's progress.

4. It is prohibited to engage in unprotected climbing and personal heroic adventures while wading in water without authorization.

5. It is not allowed to walk alone or be curious and fresh, and to leave the entire team without authorization.

6. Team members are strictly prohibited from surpassing the leading team member or falling behind the finishing team leader.

7. It is prohibited to start a fire without permission.

8. Pay attention to dietary hygiene and prevent diseases. Pay attention to self-protection.

9. Respect local customs and habits.

10. Communicate with the team leader as soon as possible if you have any difficulties or questions.

11. Do not litter or damage vegetation during actions, and advocate environmental protection.

12. No one can bring their identity into this team, everyone is equal in the team.

13. The entire itinerary must be clear and conscious, and often one must take care of oneself. Do not rely on others for everything. Team leaders, coaches, and collaborators will not help you with anything that should have been done except for providing guidance, guidance, and necessary safety measures; On the other hand, outdoor activities also emphasize the spirit of unity and cooperation, and should help others within their abilities.

Special matters:

1. Due to objective reasons, the outdoor activity schedule cannot achieve absolute accuracy in terms of time, which means that it may not be possible to achieve the predetermined goals at certain times. Therefore, team members cannot use the accuracy of the completion time of the itinerary as an evaluation criterion for the quality of the activity. At the same time, the team leader has the right to adjust the schedule or decide whether it is necessary to continue the activity or change the original plan according to the actual situation.

2. Respect the local customs of the destination to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings and conflicts.

3. Please keep warm when the weather is cool in the morning and evening to prevent catching a cold.

4. Pay attention to personal luggage and collective equipment during activities to avoid confusion.

Safe! Safe! I can't emphasize it too much!

To this end, we reiterate the safety regulations and explain them one by one.

Perhaps we cannot impose such severe punishment on your many undisciplined behaviors.

But without a doubt, you will become the least popular person in the team. You may be blacklisted for outdoor activities, and there will be no teams willing to accept your addition in the future. Of course, more seriously, you may pay a fatal price for not following discipline.

All applicants are deemed to have unconditionally accepted all the terms of this safety code.

Safety discipline regulations, and explain them one by one:

1. Obey the leader's arrangements, and if there are differences, everyone can discuss and resolve them, but the decision-making power lies with the leader.

Explanation: A team is a whole, and only one solution to the problem is allowed. For example, when it comes to choosing whether to turn left or right, continue climbing or retreat, choose this campsite, and decide the departure time, if there is no unified opinion, the team will inevitably * and lead to danger. If some team members think they have a better plan and hope to change their established schedule, but in the event of an accident, who will take responsibility? Even if your outdoor experience is indeed more extensive than our team leader, as a team member, we can only suggest that the team leader consider your opinions, rather than arguing with the leader or refusing to obey the leader's arrangements, or even pulling small teams and going their separate ways.

In addition, our outdoor activities do not consider implementing a voting system, and it is definitely not a minority obeying the majority. Because most people are likely to make incorrect judgments due to underestimating the danger.

2. Maintain good teamwork spirit.

Explanation: Participating in team activities means you may not have enough ability to achieve your goals alone. Team members, leaders, coaches, guides, collaborations Without everyone's sincere unity and cooperation, a single issue in one aspect can make this trip imperfect. A person is like a mirror, you are kind to others, and others are also kind to you; If you help others, they will also help you. Many people say that choosing a good teammate is more important than choosing a good destination, and I believe everyone can empathize with it! If you start a small team, don't help others, don't interact with teammates, and have a stiff face all day, then you will soon be isolated, and your journey will become very bad, without any joy.

3. Being punctual is a good habit, and being late is strictly prohibited; Also, please do not let frequent rest and prolonged photography affect the speed of the team's progress.

Explanation: According to the "barrel theory", the overall speed of a team does not depend on the speed of the fastest person or the average speed of the team members, but on the speed of the slowest person in the team. Are you always treating that shortest piece of wood with such peace of mind? You are 10 minutes late for gathering, 5 minutes late for using the restroom on the road, 5 minutes longer for rest each time, and about 10 minutes longer for taking photos than others. In just one day, you alone have been affecting the team for two to three hours! Even letting the whole team accompany you on the night road? Therefore, when our schedule is tight, we require team members to move quickly regardless of whether they eat, have convenience, or take photos. If they say they want to take photos, they should take them uniformly. If they say they want to get on the car, they should get on the car immediately, and dragging is strictly prohibited.

4. It is prohibited to engage in unprotected climbing, wading in water, and other personal heroic adventures without authorization.

Explanation: It's not even children anymore, so this rule should not be spoken out at all. As an adult, you should be aware of what you are doing and the dangers that this behavior may bring to you. There was a young man from Chongqing in the Tiger Leaping Gorge back then. In order to show off his abilities, he disregarded his girlfriend's advice and jumped into a huge rock in the canyon, preparing to take a super NB photo on it. But what was the result? Falling into the Jinsha River, with no bones left. Of course, this is an extreme manifestation of mental disability. Many people, on the other hand, ski on snowy slopes while hiking, take photos and pose poses on protruding boulders, climb trees, swim in turbulent rivers, deviate from their planned route or take ordinary paths, gallop on horseback No matter how much vanity this can satisfy you, once life is gone, your heart will also be gone, regardless of whether it is vanity or not.

5. It is not allowed to walk alone or be curious and fresh, and to leave the entire team without authorization.

Explanation: A truly strong person is someone who can take care of fellow team members with excess physical energy, help team members carry backpacks, assist team leaders in finishing, and have the energy to help everyone set up tents and even cook at the campsite. And the hypocritical strong man ran all the way, throwing the team far away. When he arrived at the campsite, he set up his own tent, played with his exquisite utensils and stoves, didn't know how to do anything for the team, but boasted that he had walked this distance for several hours and was proud, constantly mocking why most teams walked so slowly, causing psychological pressure on other team members. I believe that people who rely on their own physical strength to not help their teammates but instead ridicule others are just as despicable as those who rely on their own wealth to become rich and mercilessly ridicule others who are poor. In addition, the arrogance of such strong individuals often leads to safety hazards such as getting lost and not being able to convey team leader orders. So, I am very clear that mountain and wilderness activities do not welcome such hypocritical "strong people".

6. Team members are strictly prohibited from surpassing the leading team member or falling behind the finishing team leader.

Explanation: The leading team member and closing team leader, one in front and one behind, maintain the integrity and coordination of the team. And by echoing back and forth through walkie talkies, the safety of the middle team can be maximally protected. The team must remain compact, especially when the walkie talkies are out of function, and during rainy and foggy weather and at night, it is important to ensure that both the lead team and the finishing team can see each other. Everyone should be aware of the safety hazards of surpassing the lead team or falling behind the finishing team leader.

7. It is prohibited to start a fire without permission.

Explanation: To wet the bed while playing with fire is to deceive children, and "Those who play with fire must * * *" refers to the situation here. One type is improper use of gas stoves or gasoline stoves while smoking in tents. Please note that tent fabrics are very non fire-resistant! One type is to start fires in the wild, especially in winter forests or grasslands, which can easily cause fires,. If we can start a campfire at our campsite, the team leader will choose a place far from the tent that causes the least damage to the grass, and pick up dead firewood to start the fire.

8. Pay attention to dietary hygiene and prevent diseases. Pay attention to self-protection.

Explanation: It was originally a great journey because you ate something you shouldn't have and had diarrhea; Or using wild fruits and mushrooms can cause food poisoning; Or you may catch a cold by not wearing clothes when the wind is strong; Or you washed your head with cold water to cause a headache; Or you may have twisted your foot while walking; Or you may have been pricked by a wild flower picking hand, or you may have slipped and fallen How depressed it should be!

9. Respect local customs and habits.

Explanation: The locals have many strange "rules" that, in their view, go beyond the legal constraints on them. Unfortunately, these rules vary from person to person and from place to place. This place has this rule, while others have another rule. But no matter what, if it's something that the locals don't allow, don't force it. The general universal "rules" include: do not desecrate the deities and religions they believe in, do not discriminate, attack, insult local people, and so on. Also, please do not use your own urban mindset to measure and demand that local people do things according to your own ideas, of course, this is also impossible.

10. Communicate with the team leader as soon as possible if you have any difficulties or questions.

Explanation: Tired from walking, sick, injured, dissatisfied with the team leader, questioned about the itinerary, hungry, low blood sugar, dizziness If there are problems or situations, speak up instead of carrying them on your own. If you don't speak up, it's not to save the team leader trouble. In the eyes of the team leader, this is your lack of trust in the team leader and neglect of your own safety.

11. Do not litter or damage vegetation during actions, and advocate environmental protection.

Explanation: Each person should bring their own garbage bag, and the daily garbage should be collected, buried, or even taken out of the camp. The person who throws garbage on the road, the garbage you throw before it naturally degrades, is your proof of shame, and it is also a proof of shame for the mountain team. There are often exposed posts on the internet. If you don't want our team to receive attention and saliva from hikers nationwide, please collect the garbage you generate.

12. No one can bring their identity into this team, everyone is equal in the team.

Explanation: In the outdoors, what proves you is your outdoor experience, collaborative spirit, tolerance, cultivation, and so on. Even if you are wealthy, even if you hold a high position, do not expect you to enjoy privileges or have disrespectful or impolite language or behavior towards other team members, leaders, and guides in the team. Your money and power are useless in the face of nature - of course, those who have such thoughts are themselves lunatics. You should know that a small avalanche or falling rock can make you lose all the things you are proud of.

13. The entire itinerary must be clear and conscious, and often one must take care of oneself. Do not rely on others for everything. Team leaders, coaches, and collaborators will not help you with anything that should have been done except for providing guidance, guidance, and necessary safety measures; On the other hand, outdoor activities also emphasize the spirit of unity and cooperation, and should help others within their abilities.

Note: The article is from the "Security Management Network"; Website: http://www.safehoo.com/
